Tuesday 29 March 2011

Audio Feedback

During today's media lesson, everyone in the class had to show their two minute opening of the films that they have produced. My group was the first chosen to show what we had produced, Mr Oswick (teacher) filmed everyone's individually, whereby before showing the film each group had to give an introduction of the film, explaining the film 'title', the 'plot' and any other aspects of what the audience should know before watching the film. After each film had been shown, the audience would then have to give feedback as to what they thought worked well, for example, specific things that represented the genre e.g horror and each group would then have to take in the feedback which will then be produced in our evaluations. The audience were then asked to give feedback about any weaknesses, such as music not fitting right at certain points in the film and lastly each group had to explain what could have been changed, or if we had to do it again what would we do differently.

Tomorrow in my media lesson i shall be making improvements to my final film, which my group and I have taken on board, such as adding music to the credits right at the beginning of the film, possibly changing the affect of the film depending on how it looks on Adobe and lastly any last minute changes that my group and I decide to make. 

Tuesday 22 March 2011


My group and I have started to progress on more with our editing. Today in our media lesson, we added titles to our film such as, 'Working Title Presents', 'ESK Productions', 'Directed By Katie Coombs', 'Starring Sarah Barnes, Emma Pennington'. Also in today's media lesson, I added effects and transitions between each shot, which is to make the film run smoothly and to make it look effective, rather than each scene looking unrealistic and cutting. My group and I had previously chosen to have the name of the film 'Paranoid' appear after the establishing shot right at the beginning of the film, but we have chosen to show it right at the end of the film as it looks a lot more effective. The font for the writing that we have chosen is OCRA Std.

My group and I have had trouble trying to use the media converter, which I am using to convert my 'Working Title Logo', which will allow me to use the logo in Adobe for my opening credits. I am hoping to  resolve this situation in my next media lesson.

Filming Photos

Here are some pictures that I have taken during filming over the past few weeks;

This photo is of the killer (Sarah), Sarah is dressed in black leggings, a black top, black cardigan, Black scarf and a knife.

In this photo it is showing the setting (bathroom) where the film is set for half of the film, to the right it is showing Sarah setting up the filming equipment.

Thursday 17 March 2011

Filming Diary 11th March

On Friday my group and I managed to film the rest of our film, it was successful! We managed to film the killer scenes and the establishing shot of the house. The props we used were kept the same, however we included a knife and black gloves, which made the killer look alot more realistic how a killer should look.

Today in our media lesson, my group and I uploaded the rest of the footage that we had filmed on Friday. We then started to edit the rest of the footage and put each of the scenes in the correct order. In our next media lesson, we shall be adding music and the opening credits to our film.

Friday 11 March 2011

Opening Credit logos

My group and I have started to look into the opening credit logos and have found that the Working Title Logo will fit in best with our film. It lasts for 23 seconds which will fit in nicely, and will make the film up to two minutes long. I managed to find this easily on youtube, they had many to choose from but found this one worked best with the opening of our film.

Working Title Films, the UK film production company behind box office hits including Four Weddings and a Funeral and Shaun of the Dead.

Starting to Edit

My group and I have started editing the footage we have so far of the opening two minutes. We have not yet finished filming the whole of our film as we still have the last minute to film, but as we are starting to run out of time we need to get on with editing as this is going to take up most of our time.

The software we are using to edit our film is Adobe, so far we have edited about one minute of our opening film. At the moment the film is looking ok, but not as good as we expected, due to the fuzziness and jumping when we are watching it on screen and also because the film is so dark, as we are trying to make the film look like it is night time. It is hard to tell what the actual finishing product will look like, but we are putting all our hard work and effort into the editing so hopefully it will pay off.

Wednesday 9 March 2011

Filming Diary 25th February

On Friday, my group and I filmed half of our new story line, and found that it worked a lot better than the previous. The new story line looks more realistic and targets the genre that we are trying to make.
We have also decided that we are no longer going to be needing George as the killer, as Sarah is going to step in and take the role. We found that we were able to achieve and get a lot more filming done on Friday, than we have done in the previous times, due to the previous cast, Ben (Ambrose), Bel and George have now been excluded from the film.

The props that are used are similar to the previous for example, in the bedroom it is a stereotypical teenage bedroom so the props around the room will make the film look more realistic. However, we no longer need the phone. The new props that we have decided to use are a flannel, which Emma uses to wash her face with.

My group and I will next be filming on Tuesday 15th March, whereby we will be filming the last scenes. Since changing the story line it has taken a lot longer to film than we expected, so it has made us a bit behind but we are starting to get back on track now and in the progress of editing bits of the film that we have so far.

Thursday 3 March 2011

Change of story line

My group and I have decided to change our story line, as we felt that our previus sotry line wasn't believable and was starting to look nothing like a horror film. This encouraged us to think about changing the way in which the stories portrayed.

We have decided to exclude Ben (Ambrose) and Bel as too many people in the house didn't convey the horror theme correctly. We have decided to keep the killer (George) as he fits the build of a stereotypical killer, Emma will also still keep the main leeding role of the vulnrable teenage girl. We hope this will improve our footage and provide us with a believable story. The setting will still be the same, in a house, mainly in (Emma's) bedroom, and also the outside of the house.

The new story line consists of; Emma asleep in the bedroom but then she hears noises and becomes weary and frightned. Emma will walk into the bathroom and splash her face with water, she will look up and see there is a death threat on the bathroom mirror (Emma SCREAMS). The camera circles the whole room to show that there is no killer to be seen. The killer will then appear in the bathroom behind Emma. Emma will then run back into the bedroom, the killer then chases after Emma holding a knife to her. Emma will scream and wake up, realising that it was a dream.

There will be little talking (screaming), towards the end of the two minutes, as the killer will show up right at the end.  My group and I haven't planned as far as what will be said but will decide when we are next filming.

We are planning on filming tomorrow (Friday 4th March).