Wednesday 9 March 2011

Filming Diary 25th February

On Friday, my group and I filmed half of our new story line, and found that it worked a lot better than the previous. The new story line looks more realistic and targets the genre that we are trying to make.
We have also decided that we are no longer going to be needing George as the killer, as Sarah is going to step in and take the role. We found that we were able to achieve and get a lot more filming done on Friday, than we have done in the previous times, due to the previous cast, Ben (Ambrose), Bel and George have now been excluded from the film.

The props that are used are similar to the previous for example, in the bedroom it is a stereotypical teenage bedroom so the props around the room will make the film look more realistic. However, we no longer need the phone. The new props that we have decided to use are a flannel, which Emma uses to wash her face with.

My group and I will next be filming on Tuesday 15th March, whereby we will be filming the last scenes. Since changing the story line it has taken a lot longer to film than we expected, so it has made us a bit behind but we are starting to get back on track now and in the progress of editing bits of the film that we have so far.

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