Tuesday 29 March 2011

Audio Feedback

During today's media lesson, everyone in the class had to show their two minute opening of the films that they have produced. My group was the first chosen to show what we had produced, Mr Oswick (teacher) filmed everyone's individually, whereby before showing the film each group had to give an introduction of the film, explaining the film 'title', the 'plot' and any other aspects of what the audience should know before watching the film. After each film had been shown, the audience would then have to give feedback as to what they thought worked well, for example, specific things that represented the genre e.g horror and each group would then have to take in the feedback which will then be produced in our evaluations. The audience were then asked to give feedback about any weaknesses, such as music not fitting right at certain points in the film and lastly each group had to explain what could have been changed, or if we had to do it again what would we do differently.

Tomorrow in my media lesson i shall be making improvements to my final film, which my group and I have taken on board, such as adding music to the credits right at the beginning of the film, possibly changing the affect of the film depending on how it looks on Adobe and lastly any last minute changes that my group and I decide to make. 

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