Wednesday 1 December 2010


1. The 1st shot is a shot of the house which will be an establishing shot to show the audience the setting of where the film will be taken place. The sound will be non-diegetic music that will represent that the film is horror.

2. The 2nd scene is a shot of a high angle shot of Ben and Emma asleep in bed, to show vulnerability to the characters. There will be no sound whilst the two characters are sleeping, however, after a few minutes Ben and Emma will wake up after hearing the phone ringing, where diegetic sound will be used from the phone ringing, Emma will then go downstairs to answer the phone.

3. The 3rd shot will show a close up shot of the phone ringing and diegetic sound.

4. In the 4th scene it shows a medium shot of Emma picking up the phone, and diegetic sound of the phone ringing.

5. The 5th scene will cut to a long shot of the killer standing in the alley way near the house, each time the killer is shown there will be non digetic music where by it will make the audience feel tense and aware of the killer.

6. The 6th shot will be over the shoulder shot showing Ben opening the door to Bell. This shot will follow on from after Emma comes downstairs to answer the phone, after she has put the phone down the door bell rings but is unsure whether to answer the door so calls Ben downstairs. Diegetic sound will be used from the door bell ringing and voices of the characters talking.

7. The 7th shot is an arc shot showing the characters walking into the living room, and also showing the characters when they are sitting down in the room, which will then be tracking camera movement to show the action. The sound will be diegetic from the sound of characters talking.

8. The 8th scene will show Ben talking to Emma and Bell as he is going into the kitchen and asks if they want anything, Bell replies that she will come with him which will show a long shot showing Ben and Bell walking towards the kitchen. My group and I have decided to change the calm non-digetic music as we feel that it will be more realistic to use tense, dramatic music when the camera is on Emma showing that she is on her own after Ben and Bell leave Emma, to show that she is scared.

9. The 9th shot will cut to a medium shot of the killer walking towards the house with the use of non-diegetic music that is used each time the killer is shown.

10. The 10th shot is to follow on from the 9th shot which will cut from the killer walking towards the house to showing the killer getting his phone out from his pocket and the camera showing a close up shot of the killer scrolling down his contact lists until he gets to ''DEAD PERSON''. The sound will be diegetic to show the noise and clicking from the phone.

11. The 11th shot will cut from the killer on his phone walking towards the house to the phone ringing inside the house, which will give the audience an idea as to who may be the one behind why the phone keeps ringing. There will be diegetic sound from the phone ringing and from this point the camera will show Emma answering the phone where by she will hear breathing down the phone, this will be diegetic sound.

12. The 12th scene will cut to showing the killer outside the house to then cross cutting again to an extreme close up shot of  the killers finger on the door bell. There will be diegetic sound from the noise of the door bell.

13. The 13th shot will show Emma leaving the living room and walking to open the front door which will be an over the shoulder shot to show that know-body is there, Emma will walk outside to have a look to see if anyone is there, but nobody is anywhere to be seen so walks back into the house, however, the killer is hiding. Diegetic sound is used from the doors opening and closing.

14. The 14th shot will show a long shot of the back of the killer to show that he is posting the death threat through the letter box. Non-diegetic music/sound to show tension.

15. The 15th shot will show a close up shot of the death threat on the floor after the death threat has been posted by the killer through the letter box. There will be no sound used in this scene.

16. The 16th shot will show a medium shot to show Emma holding the death threat, there will be no sound in this scene.

17. In the 17th shot there will be a long shot of Ben walking out of the kitchen towards Emma. The sound will be diegetic sound from the opening and closing of the kitchen door.

18. In the 18th shot it will show a medium shot of Ben's arm around Emma, both showing confused facial expressions as to what is going on. There will be diegetic sound from the voices of characters talking. 

19. The 19th shot will show Ben telling Emma to look through the letter box to prove that know-body is there, however when Emma does look through the letter box she is faced with an extreme close up shot of the killers eyes where the killer will say...''Hello Emma''!! The sound will be diegetic from the opening of the letter box  and the voice from the killer. 

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