Thursday 21 October 2010

Opening scene of Sorority Row

  • This is the opening scene of Sorority Row, I have chosen to analyse this film as it is a similar opening as what i am planning on doing for my own opening film. 
  • The scene starts all energetic, happy, confident and cheerful etc but as its a horror film the audience know that it wont stay that way. 
  • What I am going to include similar in my own film for example, the actors will be a similar age as I want the actors to come across dominant and confident to show the audience as if they aren't scared of anything, but also showing some vulnerability. 
  • Also costumes and setting will be very similar for example, the actors are wearing make up, flaunting clothing etc to make the girls look attractive and sexy in a seductive way to attract men. 
  • The director has made these girls too look like this to show that they are the victims.

  • I like how the director uses non-digetic sound to set the party mood by using background music and sounds of other people talking at the party and also the dim lighting, I will use something similar in my own film to make it seem realistic, which will suggest that just by the first few minutes of the opening scene the audience will straight away know that it is a horror. T
  • he dim lighting always sets the scene which creates more oppotunities, such as shadows which always get the audience feeling scared.

  • The opening scene of the film is set at a fast pase which gives the audience a mystery and tense feeling as the audience want to manage to keep up with whats going on and about to happen and how the killing is within the first few minutes of the film. 
  • This is exactly what I would like to include in my own film, to get straight into the main story line to make the audience feel tense and aware straight away. 
  • One reason why I have chosen to analyse the opening scene of this film as the main story happens within the first few minutes and doesn't take a long time to get into it and this is a feature that my group and I are wanting to use. 
  • I like this as it makes the audience to engage with the film straight away and gets straight to the point of what the film is about.

  • I like how there is an establishing shot at the start of the film to show where the scene is taking place. Long shots are often used which gives the audience a vibe as to if someone is watching them, to get the audience tense. This is something my group and I may include in our own film.

  • The opening scene is set at a house which is aimed to a younger audience, my group and I have decided that we are also going to set our scene at a house as our film is targeted to a similar audience. 
  • A different setting that is set in the opening scene is when the Sorority Row girls are outside in the middle of knowhere, this is to suggest that they do not want to be seen, and also gives the affect that somebody is watching what they are doing.

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