Tuesday 5 April 2011

Audio Feedback Video

Here is a video of my group and I showing our film to the class, whereby we recieve positive and negative criticism feedback from the audience.

Positive Feedback:

Matt: I thought the music in the background had a really good theme to the genre of the film by how the music managed to build suspense to the film and I thougtht that worked well.

Mr Oswick: I like the use of the music, setting the scene and genre and how the film builds suspense. I've watched the opening two minutes of films over the last few years and they haven't looked like an opening two minutes of a film of any particular genre but you have clearly set the genre out which is a horror. 
It looks like an opening two minutes of a film rather than a trailer, and that all comes down to the editing which is what matters. Lots of horror films start with pre-credits with the first murder and end with the title and then the film will go back to the beginning of the film, which shows you have clearly managed to do this well. 
Also building up with suspense slowly to something going to happen shows you have achieved that certainly. I like how you managed to use a whole range of shots, such as close ups, long shots, low angle, high angle shots etc which shows that you have really made an effort to try and do this. I think my favourite bit about the film was the use of editing, I like how some shots faded into other shots, you didn't having it al fade into black and then into the shot again which meant that the editing was kind of invisible, which is what you want to achieve, and I liked that I thought it managed to work nicely.

Zoe: The use of editing techniques and the contrast in the colours makes it look something like in a dream which makes the film look effective.

Anna: I really like how you ended the film, that really makes the audience feel tense by the way it ends with a loud fear scream and then cuts straight to the title of the film 'Paranoid'.  

Hannah: I thought it was really good, how the first few minutes is incredibly built up with suspense, by the use of music throughout the film and especially right at the end which i thought worked really well and you achieved the suspense successfully.

Kieran: I liked the close up shots of the face, it added more depth to the film which makes it look effective.

Negative Criticism Feedback:

Zoe: In most horror films they manage to show the scene whereby they show the victim looking in the mirror and the killer standing behind them, perhaps you could have tried a away of trying to do that to make it look more effective.

Mr Oswick: The only thing that didn't quite work for me and i'm not sure why is possibly the effect. To continue this effect throughout the whole film, it might be quite off putting towards other audiences.

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