Friday 1 April 2011

Who would be the audience for your media product?

  • This is our target audience member, stereotypically they would be males as this would reflect someone who likes horror films. This image reflects that our target audience would be aged between 15-24 where they are at a mature young adult stage. From my research that I had done previously, showed that this was the age group that enjoys horror films more than elderly people and young children. Children usually can't watch horror films because of certificates on films and parents not allowing their child to watch it, therefore young children do not have an opinion wether they like or dislike horror films.
  •  The target audience for our film are most likely to shop in places like Superdry, Topshop etc, they like to dress smart/casual clothes. The types of music they would listen to would be drum and base, Dubstep, R&B etc. The types of Tv programmes that they would watch would be, Vampire Diaries, Eastenders etc. Our target audience would watch our film as it is a horror/thriller, and this target audience like the horror genre.
  • This target audience would go and see our film in the cinema with their friends, whereby they would all be able to share the same experience together, feeling scared and tense. This target audience likes to be kept in suspense and to be on the edge of their seat when watching a film. 

  • From what we can see, our target audience is male aged 15-24 however,it is likely that females would want to watch this type of genre too, from my opinion I know that I like watching horror films and I am also between my target audience's age range.

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