Wednesday 19 January 2011

Setting Location

  • The setting location of the film is going to be set in Ashtead, as this is where Kate lives and my group and I feel that this is the best location for the film to be set. 
  • The reasons as to why we have chosen to set the film in this location,is because it is write in the middle of a street where by alley ways and woodland areas are located nearby, which is good as we will be shooting in the dark so the location will give a frightening, tense, eerie vibe
  • The house itself where the scenes will be filmed inside, is set out perfectly as to how we need it, however, we will need to move a few things around that we may feel are not needed to be shown in the film. 
  • The bedroom where the first scene will be set is ideal as the layout of the bedroom is ideal for filming in, it's an average size bedroom and easy to get a full view of the shots. 

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