Tuesday 18 January 2011

Killer Mood Board

  • Here I have put some pictures together to make a mood board which represent the 'KILLER'! 
  • The main colours I have chosen are red and black, to show red represents death and blood, and black represents haunted and not visible.
  •  I have chosen a picture of a blalaclava to show that killers tend to wear as much black as possible and to disguise their face and body from anybody seeing who they are. 
  • I have also chosen a picture of a knife, as it it a stereotypical weapon that a killer will usually carry on them and always keeps the audience tense and aware, throughout a film when they know someone has a knife on them. 
  • Lastly I have included an image of blood as every horror film includes blood, usually the killer is the dominator of the blood. 

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