Monday 31 January 2011

Filming Diary

On Friday 28th January, it was our first time filming part of our film. My group and I didn't have much success, as we were planning on filming most of the outside scenes of the killer walking towards the house however, we realised that there is not a flash light on the video camera, so we were unable to see anything in the dark. From this we have had to re-think how we are going to solve this, we have come up with filming the outside scenes during the day time as it is the only way that it will work with being able to see the killer. We realise that the film will not look as affective as it would have being filmed in the dark, but it is the only way that we are able to film the killer. My group and I, are hoping that this won't affect our film too much and will still look affective and realistic.

We will next be filming on the (4th february), which everyone will be able to make. My group and I are hoping to film the outside scenes to see how effective it looks filming during the day/evening time.

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