Monday 22 November 2010

scene/shot list

My group and I have worked together to plan out our different scenes and shot list, the shot list consists of 19 shots;

1. The first shot is an establishing shot of a house to show the audience where the film will be taking place

2. High angle shot, showing Emma and Ben in bed asleep which is to make them look vulnerable

3. Close up shot of the phone ringing, to show the audience that the phone is important in the film

4. Medium shot of Emma picking up the phone 

5. Long shot of the killer standing in the alley way

6. Over the shoulder shot of Ben opening the door to Bel

7. Arc shot to show that the camera is following the action 

8. Long shot and camera tracking to show Ben and Bel walking towards/into the kitchen

9. Medium shot from behind the killer walking towards the house 

10. Close-up-shot of the killer scrolling down their phone looking through contacts

11. Close-up-shot of the phone ringing in the house

12. Extreme close-up of the killers finger on the door bell of the house

13. Over the shoulder shot of Emma opening the front door expecting someone to be standing behind it...

14. Long shot showing the killers back 

15. Close-up-shot of the death threat that flys through the letter box

16. Medium shot showing Emma holding onto the death threat with a scared facial expression 

17. Long shot of Ben walking out of the kitchen over towards Emma

18. Medium shot of Ben's arm around Emma

19. Extreme close-up showing the killers eyes through the letter box

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