Tuesday 16 November 2010

Comedy and Sc-fi Cliches

Today in lesson we were looking at joe Queenan's guide to comedy and Sci-Fi cliches, finding out what is included in a stereotypical comedy cliche. Our task was to go through and highlight the key factors of what happens and what you would expect to happen in a comedy cliche.

The main key factors that i highlighted from Joe Queenan's comedy cliches; 

  • The contemporary comedy is generally about a young man who is a jerk, a loser or a shmuck. The contemporary comedy deals with the loser who must part company with his loser friends in order to become a man. 
  • Little boys in comedies tend to be mop-topped weenies who pout a lot and want their dads to take them to see the yankees the way he promised to, but didn't. 
  • Comedies must have a gimmick. A person who wakes up in the morning and some seismic shift has occured in his life. 
  • Lots of stuff about bodily functions. Lots of physical comedy. 
  • Comedies often involve idiots who work in tandem, the one guy is a slob or a bozo or a pig and the other guy would like to be less of a slob/bozo/pig. 
  • Typical comedy films; The 40 Year Old Virgin, The Hangover!

The main key factors that I highlighted in Joe Queenan's guide to Sc-Fi cliches; 

  • There is always something out there in the classic science fiction film. When the alien death ship makes its first appearance it will be hundreds of times larger than the vessel sent to defeat it. 
  • Women play an important role in sci-fi movies. Feisty, resourceful, indomitable women have pivotal roles in all the Star Wars films, the Aliens franchise and the Terminator movies.
  • Callow youths play a major role in sc-fi films, they will question authority and they will lock horns with their superiors.

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