Sunday 17 October 2010

Strangers analysis

  • Strangers is one of my favourite horrow films of all time! I have added the trailer as it shows some good shots of the film. 
  • I like how they have included the 'scary monsters - ones who are wearing masks' outside the house and inside the house to creep up on the main characters, for example when the couple are inside the house the women is standing in the living room looking around and a 'scary monster' creeps out from knowhere behind her and she doesn't notice. 
  • When i watch something like this, it gives me a scary feeling in my whole body and I just want to scream out and run, this is the kind of thing I would like my audience to feel when they watch my own. 
  • One of my favourite shots is how they use a close up shot of the knife, this is to show that the knife will come in use sometime in the film and to give the audience a feeling as to what the 'scary monsters' are capable of doing.

  • In my film i would like to use something similar, like when the couple are looking outside the window, they are waiting for something to pop out at them as they open the curtains, and to not only scare the character but to scare the audience too and to be aware of something that is going to happen when you least expect it. 
  • I would also like to include in my film, jump cuts to show the 'killer' getting closer to the house and cutting back to the characters inside the house. 
  • There is so much tension used in this film that you are scared throughout the whole film, meaning you don't know whats going to happen next!

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