Friday 1 October 2010

Preliminary task completion

  • Today in the lesson, my group and I had finally finished our preliminary task. This task had taken us five lessons to complete, two being used for filming and 2 for the editing. 
  • I found the editing quite difficult to get the hang of, especially cutting bits of the scene as I have never used any software like that before so it is all new to me. 
  • For our preliminary task my group and I decided to go to the library to film our scene, as we felt that it would be a quiter place to film. This worked out well as we managed to find useful props to use to make our scene look more realistic for example, Newspapers, paper, pens etc. 
  • For the last filming and editing lessson, I had to step in and take the leading role of filming, as that was yasmines part in the task and as the last bit of filimg of the shot-reverse-shot I did not need to be included in the filming.
  • We used different camera angle shots such as, over the sholder shot when the characters are talking, A close up of the character opening the door, which would also be used as an establishing shot to show that the character is about to enter a room and is where the scene is taking place. A long shot to show the character walking over to her friends and finally shot-reverse-shot of two characters having a conversation.
  • Throughout the whole scene there was diegetic sound which was visible from the voices of the characters. From the first few seconds that you see in the scene is the character opening the door, the use of synchronous sound is used from the opening of the door.
  • Overall I feel that my group and I worked hard on our preliminary task, as we felt that we all worked well together and enjoyed filming the scene and editing it, and adding in non-digetic sound such as, music in the background to give the scene a more realistic vibe. 

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