Thursday 14 October 2010

Opening of Halloween

  • I have chosen the opening of halloween as I like how they have shown the 'knife' in the first few seconds of the film. 
  • This gives off tension to the audience, giving them a feeling as if something bad is about to happen. 
  • In my film I am going to include a knife in the opening scene, with the killer walking towards a house holding it in one hand with blood dripping from it to make it look more realistic, as if the killer has just stabbed someone with it.
  • I also like the fact the bad guy is hiding in the house, to give the audience a feeling as if the bad guy is about to creep up or jump out at someone. 
  • Another feature that i like that this film has used, is the non-digetic music, which is used to give off a scary and tension vibe to the audience. I hope to use something like that in my own film.

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