Friday 24 September 2010

Preliminary Exercise

  • Last lesson we got our preliminary exercise, this task consists of practising the skills needed for the main practical production assignment. 
  • The attempt of this task is to film and edit a character opening a door, crossing the room and sitting down in a chat opposite another character, with whom she/he then exchanged a couple of lines of dialogue. 
  • In this task we had to demonstrate; Match on action, shot/reverse shot and finally the 180 degree rule.
  • For this assignment I worked with Katie Coombs and Sarah Barnes. I will be working with this group for my main practical assignment, as i feel that we work well as a group, each and everyone of us contributes to ideas and finally we all get on well as a group.
  • So far on the making of our preliminary task my group and I have filmed the scene of our video, I found that this was a successful task to film and trying out different camera shots and angles, even though it did take us a while of working out how the video camera works but we soon got the hang of it. 
  • We haven't yet completed the final assignment as there is still editing to do. So far this task has been succesful however, whilst filming my group and I were finding it hard to keep to the 180 degree rule as sometimes we wouldn't be sure wether or not we had gone over. 
  • In our group we decided to make a script for the dialogue which meant it was easier for the characters to know their lines and wasn't having to make it all up on the spot.
  • So far I am enjoying media A-level, especially the filming and I am looking forward to doing the main practical assignment.

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