Tuesday 15 February 2011

Filming Diary Friday 11th February

During filming on Friday, my group and I realized that whilst looking at the footage from our last filming, we needed to add in a few more shots after scene 2. The first shot we have had to add in, is a long shot of Emma opening the door and a secondly a long shot of showing Emma walking out of the bedroom door and walking down the stairs, we then cut  the shot when Emma is walking half way down the stairs so we could get a third new shot of a low angle shot of Emma walking down the stairs and then following Emma towards the front door whereby she turns the light on. The final new shot is a long shot to show Ben walking downstairs.

Thursday 10 February 2011


Here is a video of our finalized animatic, we have made sure that we have based it similar to how our finalized film will end up looking like.

Monday 7 February 2011

Animatic Storyboard

My group and I, are currently in the process of creating our animatic storyboard. It has taken some time unfortunately, as there has been a problem with the software however, it is all sorted now and we are back on track with making it. I have used the exact same pictures as I used for the previous story board, as it was easier to use these pictures instead of having to draw them out again. So far I have uploaded the story board pictures onto adobe premiere element and have started to edit each individual shot as to long they are going to be. My group and I will proceed with this task on our next media lesson.

Friday 4 February 2011

Audience Profiling x2

I have looked further into audience profiling for horror, and I have looked into when horror films are most likely to be released at the cinema. Horror films are most likely to be released during november through to october, during the halloween period. This is a good time for horror films to be released, as more people are likely to go to the cinema to watch a horror filming at halloween. All types of film genres have different times during the year when they are released for instance, halloween is a time for horror films to be released, christmas is a time for christmas films to be released and valentine is a time for romantic comedy's to be released. Depending on what time of year it is, depends on when a film is released, and depending on which genre the film is.

  • Halloween was released in October 1978 however, there has been a remake of the film that was released in august 2007.

  • Elf was released in November 2003, which was just in time for christmas.

  • Valentines Day was released in February 2010